
قَالَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ : قُلْتُ : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ، مَا نَجَاةُ هَذَا الْأَمْرِ ؟ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : " مَنْ قَبِلَ مِنِّي الْكَلِمَةَ الَّتِي عَرَضْتُ عَلَى عَمِّي ، فَرَدَّهَا عَلَيَّ ، فَهِيَ لَهُ نَجَاةٌ " .

മുറബ്ബിയായ ഒരു ശൈഖില്‍ നിന്ന് തൗഹീദ് സ്വീകരിക്കുക. വിജയം വരിക്കുക.



For, his spiritual training he followed the paths of about seven Mashaikhs. In those years, he wandered about all over India, completed his spiritual trainings at different locations in North India. Now, he lives the life of the Spiritual Guide, Sufi Sheikh, at his residence in Aluva, in Kerala. Thousands are coming to visit him there on each day. He has lakhs of disciples. A majority of then hail from counted centers of North India. He has crores of disciples in Gulf and other countries also. He promotes the ideal of Tauhid, as preached by Prophets and their successors, the Folk of Allah.He call all the men and Jinn to the message of the sacred verse of Quran “And I(Allah) created not the Jinn and men except they should worship Me(Alone)” (Surah: 5.51:56). In the community of Prophet Muhammad (S.W), Sufi saints were the real profounder of peace and harmony. They nourished the harmonious living of different religions, and creeds in the world. The rich history of our country, India, bears clear-cut evidence to the fact. No history of Indian culture will be complete without giving the deserving share held by Sufis at different ages. At our present day world, Sulthan Shah does the same job. His mission is the duty of Prophet Muhammad (S.W) has entrusted his real followers, to call the creatures of God to His Nearness. This was done by all Sufis. They preached humanity, and fought against brutality. They stood for the brotherly kindness, and humane cooperation. They stood against hatred and animosity; they never caused violence or struggle. They wanted to bring out peace here. Peace in the lives of all people. Peace inside the minds of each human being. Peace comes when onereach near Almighty. For, God is peace. Peace of all worlds. This was preached by all the prophets. Hazrath Sultan Shah propagates the same path. Uncountable numbers of people visit his doorsteps on each day. No difference of religion or caste in them. They are all with same minds. They expect nothing but a word of advice, some principles that they can live upon and strive after. Hazrath Sultan Shah is the dependable source of solace for them. He is not decreeing anything that will harm them. No violence, nor struggle for worldly pleasures. His teachings provide him food for their thought and meaning for their life. So many things happen in our world without purposes. To teach the creatures of Almighty the purpose of their living, and leading them to achieve that goal, is the mission of Hazrath Sultan Shah. Many have come forward to shoulder the responsibility of his grand mission under his guidance. Among them, there are scholars, professionals, businesspersons and laymen. He stands as a beacon for them all. His mission is encapsulated in the Kalima “La ilaha Illallahu Muhammad Rasoolullahi”. This Kalima was preached by Prophet(s), and agreed by all prophets before Him. He is the Khalifa of Allah’s Prophet entrusted to preach and propagate the Kalima across the world. This duty was handled by such great saints like Ghaus-e- ‘Azam Abdul Qadir Jeelami(Q.S), Kwaja Mu’inuddin of Ajmir(Q.S), Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi and others. They are the Khalifas of Alla’s Prophet to this world. Sheikh Hazrath Sultan Shah Qadiri has come in their tradition. He promotes such pristine principles realized by all these great saints. Hazrath Sultan Shah was handed over the Khilafa of “La ilaha Illallahu Muhammad Rasoolullahi” from the great hands of Syed Muhammad Badshah Yamani Qadiri(R.A) of Wadi, Karnataka. Qadiri of Wadi(R) left this world in 1399th year of Hijra. Now, Hazrath Sultan Shah is sought after by auliya, ulama and common people alike. “La ilaha Illallahu Muhammad Rasoolullahi” was the perfect path; Prophet(s) has bidden His community to follow. Hazrath Badshah Yamani Qadiri was the seventh of Sheikhs, spiritual guides, which Hazrath Sulthan Shah has followed; His spiritual ascent reached its fullness upon his hands. He taught Hazrath Sultan Shah the profound principles contained in the word of Kalima. Kalima contains the mysteries behind all being and all existence. Countable ones of auliya are seen wandering around the people showing miracles. These are known like ‘Karamaths’. But Tauhid is not a path for the folk of Karamaths, Folk of Towhid live among the people. They propagate the religion of heart. They profess love and human kindness. They advise people to come near God through the path of love. For, one can’t love Almighty, unless he loves his humans. These are the real Folk of Allah. As well described in Holy Qur’an “The Folk of Allah, they have no fear, nor do they have any sorrow”. Real Folk of Allah lives among the people. They have no tear of God’s creatures. They preach to fear only God. For, fear breeds contempt and hatred among people. They expect nothing from this world. They have no worldly ambition. Hence, no sorrow will take their minds. They strive hard to purify the blotted hearts of their fellow humans. For, they have known the peacefulness of reaching Almighty. They want to guide in their path. Hazrath Sulthan Shah is perfect one of them. He leads the creatures of Almighty to reach His presence, and find ultimate happiness. Let us stand behind him to achieve this profound goal. And Almighty Allah may accept it as a good deed from us.